Villain: what’d you bring that hammer for?
Rivet: to drive in the nails ^_^
- Criminal Underworld Info d10 (Background)
- Insight d8 (Background)
- Stealth d6
- Signature Weaponry d12
- Custom: Creepy Good d8
- Metal d10 (Power Source)
- Agility d8 (Power Source)
- Awareness d8 (Power Source)
- Swinging d6 (Retcon)
Green (d6, 28-22 HP)
- Change in Circumstance - Metal (Power Source)
- Sabotage - Metal (Archetype)
- Untouchable (Archetype)
- any Expertise principle (Background)
- any Expertise principle (Archetype)
Yellow (d8, 21-11 HP)